Thursday, November 23, 2006

a rainy day

ok, sorry I didn't post yesterday. it's just like really boring or something like that. today, I got to go to school at 9:00 AM cause our music teacher's absent. that's our 1st period, music. but today, no music. oh, and my CLA teacher, Miss Barrire is absent too, so no CLA. Instead of CLA I spent the morning with my regular class 607. but first let me tell you what happened while I was waiting at the gate; okay, when I got there, I first talked with Morgan and Venni, two girls from 607. then I went over to Gaël, Susan, and Melunie and talked with them. well, while I was talking with them, I saw Kenan (from CLA class) arrive, and I went to talk to him. while I talk to him, he had gum, so I asked if he could give me a gum too. at first, he said no. but a couple seconds later, he gave me gum. **parties**. 2nd (temperately) period; Maths. well, in this class, turns out we had to memorise a definition from yesterday. lucky while we were waiting at the gate, they taught me a bit. so I didn't ace it, but I'm pretty sure I didn't fail it. morning ping-pong; ok, well. at ping-pong, I saw Roberto with a diffrent coat on. personally, I like Roberto's coat. and Paulo switch his usual coat with Roberto's usual coat. some people thought that Paulo was Roberto, cause they're use to seeing Roberto in that coat. ok, well, Steven, was the only one there(out of the american guys). because, Miss Barrire wasn't there, the others could come later (or not at all depending if their teacher's absent or not). 3rd (temperately) period; English. get this, in English, we had a test. ha, ha, ha!!! it was easy. execpt for a few parts. a few parts were hard cause it was in french. that's all for English. 4th period; Debate Class; boring. something about..well...something. basic -ly boring. lunch and ping-pong; okay well, for lunch, 6th graders eat 3rd, but I can't wait that long. so I sneaked in with my friends (Gaël, Melunie,and Susan). I was the first of my friends to get my lunch, so when I went to find a place, I saw Lom-Ali, Mansour, and Steven at a table, and I went to join them. Steven, took one look at my food, and ask for a bit, cuase he said "I didn't get anything good" I gave it to him cause i wasn't hungry. So then after Me, Steven, Lom-Ali, and Mansour were finished eating we went outside. turns out it was raining. but me and Steven went ahead and played anyway. we play three games, first one to ten wins, and I lost every singles one. after three games people started comeing so we began real games. I got to finals four times. I lost two of them but I won two games; one time I was up against Ahmza, but i won, and the other time it was against this kid that was really really good. Juillian, I think his name was. 5th period; permance. finished my math homework here. 6th period; Math CLA. easy. I ask Steven if Maron, a guy in CLA, liked me (cause Steven and Maron were in the same class). Steven said "yeah he like you, he told me that in permance yesterday." An EXTRA, After hours; right when me and Steven were leaving Math, we saw Ahmza outside, all ready for afternoon break. Me and Steven don't have anything after the break, so we could go home. well before I went home, I threw my ball and raket to Ahmza. I threw it out the Math Class window. he's a very, very, very bad catcher. didn't catch my ball and din't catch my racket. i shudered when he drop the racket. after that, home.

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About Me

I'm kinda dumb (not a lot, but) in person but smart on paper. I'm evil.full of mischief.likes boys. doesn't like following school rules (most of the time). likes 4 guys from my school. Loves my puppy Tigger, most of the time.Likes boys.Loves going on the internet.Perfers to be left alone. love music