Monday, November 06, 2006

day after vacation ends

ok. so school today. pre-school ping pong; you know, no ping pong because it was cold and windy and + no ball.So I hung out with my friends. after first period, is Biology(second period), apparentlly my class has a bio test. I'm glad my CLA teacher let me drop it becuase I didn't know enough french. don't like bio. so I gotta go into permance(or study hall). it's kinda like this: your stuck in a classroom with 30 other kids, with a watchdog (FYI: a teacher). So I had time on my hands, so I worte this little paper copied word for word below:; Monday November 6 Study Hall, 9:25-10:20 AM Mrs.Burtin said that to keep studying English otherwise I might forget it, so, I'll just write. How about that? My class has a Biology Test today. I'm so glad that Miss Barirre, my speacailist teacher, didn't have me in Bio. Apart from the fact that I don't speak french and the fact that I don't really like our teacher, I would probally ace science/biology. So while the class endures many lectures,I, get to be in Study Hall. It's not bad, although I like it better when there's fewer people and Mr.Frank is supervising. Today, before school, there was no ping-pong. Why, you ask? Because it was cold and no one brought a ball. I gotta remember to bring one on Mondays, cause, Michael, Matthew and Steven, come late on Mondays. It's getting cold outside this month, but I don't wear a jaket, cause my other one is too small and also, I don't do jackets...yet. there you have it. morning ping-pong is boring so I'm not gonna recap it. execpt there is one thing; in third period I learn that Steven and Micheal were sick, nothing about Mathew. let's skip to the lunch break and ping-pong. lunch was pretty decent today. We had french fries. It's ok I geuss. and for desert, chocolate pudding. yum. lunch ping-pong; thing were kinda interesting. No one brought a ball so we played with a broken one. then someone stepped on it, so no ping-pong. Paulo and Roberto left for lunch. 10 (or so) mintues later, this Tunisie (I have no idea where that country is) Guy (we'll abbreviate from now on; TG) says that maybe he can get a ball from Mr Barthel, head of Department of Misbehavers. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, if you don't, commet. so TG disappears for 10 (or so) mins. and comes back with a ball. awsome right? so, some mintues later, I got to finals against TG. just me and TG. 2nd time at finals, might I add, Paulo and Roberto was still eatting. 3-0 to TG. and I lost. during a couple of the games, when Roberto and Paulo came back, Steven's friend, who's name is Ben, makes fun of me. So I chase him around and kick and hit him when I'm close. and get this; sometime Roberto joins Ben into makeing fun of me. in between that, I'm pretty sure Ben said that Roberto liked me, to Roberto, that is. SO. when lunch break was over and we had to get into our classes, this mystery guy comes up and ask me a few ?'s. here's the dialouge. MG stands for Mystery Guy. Me.and (surprisinglly) R for Roberto. English translation:; MG: What grade are you in? (Roberto was walking very close and listening in and answering too for that matter) Me & R (at the same time): 6th MG: How old are you? Me: 12 (MG walks away) Me (to Roberto in English): "How did you know what class I'm in?" R: come again? Me: How did you know what class I'm in? (and I walk away) that's all for today

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About Me

I'm kinda dumb (not a lot, but) in person but smart on paper. I'm evil.full of mischief.likes boys. doesn't like following school rules (most of the time). likes 4 guys from my school. Loves my puppy Tigger, most of the time.Likes boys.Loves going on the internet.Perfers to be left alone. love music