Friday, November 17, 2006

the end of a wonderful week

So today, is friday. my most favorite day of the week. okay, so we start off with ping-pong. pre-school ping-pong; got there early so, played with Steven, Michael, Matthew, and some other kids. I got eliminated early. and from there on out boring. 1st and 2nd period; PE. I clearly don't do well with frizbes. not today, anyway.morning ping-pong; man. I missed this. cause our PE teacher is so never on time. So I got left out. don't remember much. too many people. 3rd period; CLA. oh, in this class I was a bit hyper.we talked about singing. And my teacher asked "who has Mrs. Meuhex as their music teacher?'' Me, Kenan, and Yuksël rasied our hands. so then when we were almost done talking about singing, I asked my teacher, " Before class ends, can Kenan and Yuksël sing for us?" my teacher said " Kenan, won't cause he's too shy." at this Kenan turned pink. that's funny. 4th period; permance. towards the end of permance they make you wait until all the other kids are gone. While I was waiting, I sat on a lunch table. well, Ahmza comes out from getting his lunch and walks over to where I sat and talked to me, just a little. and then put his tray down on the table where I was sitting and sat there, and ate. wow. never had that happened before. after lunch I played ping-pong. lunch ping-pong; later on, because Roberto, Paulo, Natchi, and Steven took a long time eating, Ahmza got unlimited life. lucky. I got to finals a couple of times, and I lost all of them. When Gaël and Susan came to play, Gaël had Paulo's racket for some reason. someone(most likely Paulo) had written "Paulo Runiz" or something like that. I geuss that's Roberto and Paulo's last name. 5th period; Math. we were just correcting a math test. FINISHED

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About Me

I'm kinda dumb (not a lot, but) in person but smart on paper. I'm evil.full of mischief.likes boys. doesn't like following school rules (most of the time). likes 4 guys from my school. Loves my puppy Tigger, most of the time.Likes boys.Loves going on the internet.Perfers to be left alone. love music