Thursday, November 30, 2006

very cold day

okay. a school day. Miss Barrire is absent today, so no CLA for us. oh, and Mr Viuad was absent today too. before school and ping-pong; talked with Steven. he's not his usually self. played ping-pong with him. and with other people. I saw Roberto and Paulo there. along with Natchi. I notice that he styled his hair again. 1st period; Music. very easy. I got 15.2 on my music test. I could of done better if it was in English. I studied music a lot. I tried playing, violin, piano, and singing. So I kinda know music inside and out. 2nd period; maths. well lucky me. our math teacher(and homeroom), Mrs Torres, is absent today. no math and no debate class(which is 4th period). instead, we get to be in permance. turns out, Steven's class is in permance too. so some of them (Me, Gaël, Susan, Melunie, Paulo and Natchi) went to the libary. Steven stayed in the permance hall. morning ping-pong; extremly boring. too many people. and Paulo and Roberto look too much a like. at the end of break, I asked Steven too many questions with Paulo and Roberto listening in. 3rd period; English. Easy, easy, easy. after English, Me, Gaël, and Susan saw Roberto in the hallways. and talked to him. 4th period; permance (usually Debate Class) Steven's class was there too. Paulo and Natchi. I think my friends (Gaël, Melunie, Susan) think that I like Paulo. ThiS IS NoT tRuE. At AlL. But I do like some one else. no I am not going to blog about it. But for some dumb reason, Steven and me talked about who I liked in front of, well, my friends and Paulo and Natchi, for example. oh, boy. In lunch, they had doghnuts. and to tell you the turth, sugar makes me hyper. So after eating that doghnut I was a bit hyper (here, I bet my friends would say " A bit.? A BIT???!!! You were hyper, hyper man." ) Let's see. I poured water from another water pitcher into another water pitcher and turned the empty water pitcher upside down. (I know you don't get that, that's ok) lunch ping-pong; extremly boring and ok at the same time. it's boring cause I kept geting out. it's ok cause everytime Steven got to finals, I irritated him. and he usaully lost. a couple times, actully more than a couple times, Steven gave Natchi his place in finals. You all know the guy I always mention as, the guy with glasses that plays at the ping-pong table? well, I found out his name. it's Ridelle. or something like that, but we'll stick with Ridelle (pronouced Re-dell). 5th period; permance. 6th period; Math CLA. THEE MOST EASIEST CLASS EVER. AFTER SCHOOL EXTRA; okay so I got off of the school Campus. I saw that no one was playing ping-pong at the table. so I went to ask them. before I could get a word out, they asked me for my ball. Winfrey's like ' Give Me the ball adn I'll give it bacl tomarrow." Roberto's like ' No give it to me.' Geuss who I gave it to? Roberto. Last time Winfrey played with my ball, he hit it over the campus and into a bush.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

only one class today

Today was the best day out of the week. the only thing that I was upset about was that I missed playing in the before school ping-pong. but that's okay. So did Roberto and Paulo. I saw them at the school gate at 9:20AM. Of course they didn't say hi. 8th graders don't go up and talk to a 6th grader. of course I think they really wanted to. 2nd period; permance. our History Teacher, Mrs. Le Goff is absent. We had permance outside. so we played ping-pong. morning ping-pong; too many people. I forgot. 3rd period; Math. easy. actully, we had CLA with Mr Viaud. I didn't know this, so I just went to Math with my class, 607. (FYI: ok, I skiped a class)I saw Leonel (a guy in CLA) ask him what he did in CLA with M Viaud. He said a lot of stuff. Natchi was walking in front of us, and I'm pretty sure he heard. and school's finished for me.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

main event: ping-pong

today was a nice day and a bad day. before school and ping-pong; I came through campus at same time as Michael and Roberto. Steven, was already at the ping-pong table. so me, Roberto, and Michael had to just watch. i don't know where Paulo and Natchi was. 1st period; Art's Class. very boring except a couple minutes here and there. 2nd period; CLA. my teacher, Miss Barrire gave us our test back. here in France, their scoring system is weird. but the highest grade you can get is 20. weird, I know. so, I got 15.5 not bad. Do you think It's bad? morning ping-pong; when I got there I made Winfrey and Steven wait for me. but I got eliminated shortly. after that too many people came so I can't remember too well. except, I notice Natchi had gel in his hair again. 3rd period; CLA. she gave our tests back. in France the scoring system is weird. the highest score is 20. I got 15.5 on the test. Do you think it's a good grade? I really don't. 4th period; PE, or Gym. in gym, we're doing ping-pong. yay!!! And I beat this kid name Nicholas,(in my class, cause I know two Nicholas) 13 to 10. Ali (in my class, there's two Ali's I know) was our score keeper. And he told the class that Nicholas lost to me. Nicholas, he was so mad when the class found out. lunch and ping-pong; ping-pong. okay. when I got there, there was a Surveillance Guy there. so weird. I think he said that If we could beat him, he'll go away. The guy with glasses (who is the best out of us) played against the Surveillance Guy, and lost 3-2. after, Roberto went against him and lost 3-2. Natchi went against him and lost 3-1. Steven went against him, and Steven lost (3-1). Even I went against him, and I lost (3-1). The Surveillance Guy kept saying how he won something in ping-pong in 1991. He was good. shortly after that I went to eat with Melunie. potatoes and chicken nuggets. I ate most of it. but I saved my apple and took it outside to ping-pong. when I got outside the Surveillance Guy was still there. Apparently, people can have second turns going against the Surveillance Guy. cause a couple of people were going again. I got to see Ahmza play and lose, again. and two (or so) people later, it was my turn. I played against him. and actually, I won. 3-2. I still can't believe that. cause he's hard to beat. and the Surveillance Guy. He says "A girl. that's who beat me. not a guy. not you, a girl." And Ahmza's like pretending to take photos of me. after that, we did a game. I got out when there was five people. When I got out, Roberto, Paulo, Steven, Natchi, and the guy with glasses, was back from lunch. And they found out I beat the Surveillance Guy 3-2. I don't know what they were thinking, but I think that they were thinking, she can be good when she wants to. or You have gotta be kidding me. And well, Me, Steven, Michael, and Mathew learned that a girl call Yuksël, from our CLA class (which you might remember, when I blogged about the students in my CLA class.) is Natchi's sister. We were, like, shocked. me included. And I asked Yuksël if Natchi speaks Turk. and she say yes. 5th period; Math. easy. 6th period; well, usually I have History CLA. but our teacher for that, Mrs. Le Goff is sick all this week. So I gotta go home early.

Monday, November 27, 2006

what a day for a test

okay. well the weekend wasn't so well, whatever. I forgot to post about Friday's school day, I'll just tell you the important part; at lunch ping-pong on friday, The dude with glasses, that I mention couple posts ago, Ahmza and Roberto and Paulo were debate-ing how my name was actully called. This was a honor considering that, in the US, I was never that popluar for cool guys (like Roberto and Paulo) to mention me in front of me. I'll probally never forget it. after lunch-ping-pong was over on Friday, I caught up with Roberto and i gave my ball to Roberto so he can use it for the afternoon break(cause I wasn't gonna be there). I thought you should know that. what happened at school today; before school ping-pong; okay. I was imageing Robeto when he gave me back my ball. Like maybe he'll say, Sorry, Lykachy, but I broke it. and then he'd just toss me my ball. it actully didn't go like that. He just goes " Here Lykachy" And gives me my ball. that was nice, compared to what he could have done. But I think he knows I would hurt him if he didn't give it back. Oh yeah, and during pre-school ping-pong, I got to finals against the guy with glasses. but I lost big time. as always. I'm never good in the mornings. I saw Natchi. He didn't have any gel in his hair. And I have to say, he looks better with gel in his hair. Michael, Matthew, and Steven all cut their hair. can not commet on that. 1st period; History. well actully our teacher was absent so it was permance for the whole class. 2nd period; permance. my class was there too. usually they would be in Biology Class, but that teacher's absent too. morning ping-pong; extremly boring cause too many people and when's there too many people I forget. 3rd period; CLA. We had A test today. I failed badly. I know it. 4th period; permance. this means food. very bad food today, let me tell you that. lunch ping-pong; I got to finals a couple times. but I only won two. once against Ahmza and the other, against a guy, I forgot his name.oh yeah, it's Jullian 5th period; English. easy. English in USA is hard, but English in France is easy. 6th period; CLA. afternoon pong-pong; this is funny. Roberto was already there when I came out. couple mintues later, Natchi and Maron are outside the campus. lucky ducks their finished with school. 7th peiord; French. so hard. Winfrey, from the ping-pong table was with us. ever heard of him from me? if you didn't oh, well. you'll probally get use to his name. end of school

Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!!!!!!! hope you get a full stomach with thanksgiving dinner. although, sorry I posted it one day after thanksgiving was done, sorry. You all are so lucky, you get Thanksgiving Break.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

a rainy day

ok, sorry I didn't post yesterday. it's just like really boring or something like that. today, I got to go to school at 9:00 AM cause our music teacher's absent. that's our 1st period, music. but today, no music. oh, and my CLA teacher, Miss Barrire is absent too, so no CLA. Instead of CLA I spent the morning with my regular class 607. but first let me tell you what happened while I was waiting at the gate; okay, when I got there, I first talked with Morgan and Venni, two girls from 607. then I went over to Gaël, Susan, and Melunie and talked with them. well, while I was talking with them, I saw Kenan (from CLA class) arrive, and I went to talk to him. while I talk to him, he had gum, so I asked if he could give me a gum too. at first, he said no. but a couple seconds later, he gave me gum. **parties**. 2nd (temperately) period; Maths. well, in this class, turns out we had to memorise a definition from yesterday. lucky while we were waiting at the gate, they taught me a bit. so I didn't ace it, but I'm pretty sure I didn't fail it. morning ping-pong; ok, well. at ping-pong, I saw Roberto with a diffrent coat on. personally, I like Roberto's coat. and Paulo switch his usual coat with Roberto's usual coat. some people thought that Paulo was Roberto, cause they're use to seeing Roberto in that coat. ok, well, Steven, was the only one there(out of the american guys). because, Miss Barrire wasn't there, the others could come later (or not at all depending if their teacher's absent or not). 3rd (temperately) period; English. get this, in English, we had a test. ha, ha, ha!!! it was easy. execpt for a few parts. a few parts were hard cause it was in french. that's all for English. 4th period; Debate Class; boring. something about..well...something. basic -ly boring. lunch and ping-pong; okay well, for lunch, 6th graders eat 3rd, but I can't wait that long. so I sneaked in with my friends (Gaël, Melunie,and Susan). I was the first of my friends to get my lunch, so when I went to find a place, I saw Lom-Ali, Mansour, and Steven at a table, and I went to join them. Steven, took one look at my food, and ask for a bit, cuase he said "I didn't get anything good" I gave it to him cause i wasn't hungry. So then after Me, Steven, Lom-Ali, and Mansour were finished eating we went outside. turns out it was raining. but me and Steven went ahead and played anyway. we play three games, first one to ten wins, and I lost every singles one. after three games people started comeing so we began real games. I got to finals four times. I lost two of them but I won two games; one time I was up against Ahmza, but i won, and the other time it was against this kid that was really really good. Juillian, I think his name was. 5th period; permance. finished my math homework here. 6th period; Math CLA. easy. I ask Steven if Maron, a guy in CLA, liked me (cause Steven and Maron were in the same class). Steven said "yeah he like you, he told me that in permance yesterday." An EXTRA, After hours; right when me and Steven were leaving Math, we saw Ahmza outside, all ready for afternoon break. Me and Steven don't have anything after the break, so we could go home. well before I went home, I threw my ball and raket to Ahmza. I threw it out the Math Class window. he's a very, very, very bad catcher. didn't catch my ball and din't catch my racket. i shudered when he drop the racket. after that, home.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

at school today was ok.

sorry I wasn't posting yesterday. I was too tired. and today I'm tired too. but I'll blog. before school ping-pong; ok well I actully came late to school today so no pre-school ping-pong for me. actully I came at 8:15am the usually time, but I arrived late at the ping-pong table so I didn't get to play in a game. cause there was too many people. 1st period; Arts Class. this was, I geuss, okay. for today that is. I don't really like arts. actully I really, really, really dislike it, but Arts is one of the regular subject, so I gotta get a decent grade. 2nd period; CLA. it's ok, I geuss. 3rd & 4th period; PE. oh well, towards the end, we were playing handball, and well a guy throws much harder than a girl, so. a guy was trying to score and a girl was in the goal, playing goalie, and the guy threw the ball, very hard, that it hit the girl, and she got a nosebleed. lunch and ping-pong; I wanted to sneak in today, but my friends wouldn't let me. so I played ping-pong with Steven, Michael, Matthew, Paulo, Roberto, Natchi, Ahmza, Gaël, Melunie, and Susan. then we ate. after that, I went to the ping-pong table, and they're doing something stupid. something that keeps us from playing ping-pong. no game, so by the time school started again, we didn't play one game. before, we got into our classes, I gave my ball to Natchi. cause i know he's gonna stay for afternoon ping-pong, and I'm pretty sure, they don't got a ball. took a while, but I got Natchi to understand me. phew. 5th period; Math. geometry. A little bit easy, and a little bit hard. 6th period; History CLA. I was a bit hyper in this class. my bad.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


sports blog updated. go to for more details.

Friday, November 17, 2006

the end of a wonderful week

So today, is friday. my most favorite day of the week. okay, so we start off with ping-pong. pre-school ping-pong; got there early so, played with Steven, Michael, Matthew, and some other kids. I got eliminated early. and from there on out boring. 1st and 2nd period; PE. I clearly don't do well with frizbes. not today, anyway.morning ping-pong; man. I missed this. cause our PE teacher is so never on time. So I got left out. don't remember much. too many people. 3rd period; CLA. oh, in this class I was a bit hyper.we talked about singing. And my teacher asked "who has Mrs. Meuhex as their music teacher?'' Me, Kenan, and Yuksël rasied our hands. so then when we were almost done talking about singing, I asked my teacher, " Before class ends, can Kenan and Yuksël sing for us?" my teacher said " Kenan, won't cause he's too shy." at this Kenan turned pink. that's funny. 4th period; permance. towards the end of permance they make you wait until all the other kids are gone. While I was waiting, I sat on a lunch table. well, Ahmza comes out from getting his lunch and walks over to where I sat and talked to me, just a little. and then put his tray down on the table where I was sitting and sat there, and ate. wow. never had that happened before. after lunch I played ping-pong. lunch ping-pong; later on, because Roberto, Paulo, Natchi, and Steven took a long time eating, Ahmza got unlimited life. lucky. I got to finals a couple of times, and I lost all of them. When Gaël and Susan came to play, Gaël had Paulo's racket for some reason. someone(most likely Paulo) had written "Paulo Runiz" or something like that. I geuss that's Roberto and Paulo's last name. 5th period; Math. we were just correcting a math test. FINISHED

Thursday, November 16, 2006

the regular school day.

okay. as the day begins, as always it begins with ping-pong; pre-school ping-pong; there was like a lot of people. and If there's a lot of people I tend to forget. 1st period; Music. Okay, so last week was the test on paper. This week, we had to sing a song that she taught us a couple weeks ago.some of my classmates were really bad (and I couldn't help it but smile. I was so close to laughing.), others were okay. So, when it's my turn, my teacher said that I can sing the refrain only (cause the song was in french) and she'll sing the rest. I was so nervous. really, you got the rest of the class stare -ing at you, wondering how your going to do, espicailly since I'm english. Only, Susan, Gaël, and Melunie ever heard me sang, in english, but they never heard me sing in french. but after I was done, I got the highest score. either my music teacher, just gave me that score because i'm english and, I don't know something else, or because i'm actully good(although I doubt that). I don't know. that song's getting very annoying now. In-between-Class-Speacail; while I was walking up the stairs (and to CLA) I saw Roberto. He was going up the stairs too. 2nd period; CLA. here, in this class, we got to learn french on the internet. It was cool. morning ping-pong; like I said ' I tend to forget when there's a lot of people.' but I remember one thing; Me and Steven got there early so we played against each other. and I won. 3-2. and I won, that's the 2nd time I've beaten Steven. lol. 3rd period; CLA. same thing as the first one. we went on the internet and learned french. for me it was very easy.execpt for a few things. 4th period; debate class or something. very very boring.lunch and lunch ping-pong; oh, heh, heh. well today, 6th grade was eating 2nd to last. that means 7th grade and 8th grade got to go before that. I couldn't wait that long, so me, and my friends Gaël, Susan, and Melunie, sneaked by and got in. That was awsome. I should do that again. when I went to sit down, I saw that Ahmza was still there. wonder why. and then, eat and go do ping-pong. when I was headed down the stairs, (the lunch has it's own building, 2nd floor is lunchroom, and kitchen, 1st floor is check in. One surveillence marks you off, while another stands by the entrance, to make sure the right class goes in) I saw Roberto climbing up the stairs slowly waiting for Natchi. after that ping-pong. 5th period; CLA with Mr VIAUD. his classes confuse me. anyhow, it was a bit easy. a little bit. 6th period; Math CLA. you gotta be kidding me. I know math backwords and forwords. although I admit, english verison. and I'm learning a bit of the french version. School's done

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Fun And Weird Day

On Wendsedays, We get out of school around 12:20pm. Well this week, is week B (it's very confuseing trying to explain it to you, maybe some day.), so on Week B, I don't have 1st period on Wednesdays. So, when I walked to school around 9:10AM I saw Michael, Steven, and Matthew. And I went over and talked to them. a couple minutes later, Maroune and Elizibete, comes up and hang with us. about, a couple minutes after the gates opened, (me, Steven, Michael, Matthew, Maroune, and Elizibete were still out side the gates) Steven goes "Hey there's Roberto and Paulo"And sure enough, when I looked there was Roberto and Paulo. Appearently, they didn't have first period either. of course that does mean that all of us (Roberto, Paulo, Steven, Michael, Matthew, me) missed pre-school ping-pong. oh, by the way; I found out what Tunisie Guy's (see other posts for more on him) name's Ahmza. If you can pronouce that. hope you can. and get use to it because whenever I talk about him, I'm going to write Amza.(but for a little while, in perentases it will read Tunisie Guy). 2nd period; CLA.It's allright. morning ping-pong; oh, there were so many people at the ping-pong table, and some of them keep taking the ball and giving it back. once I didn't have any patientence left, I took Steven and Michael and went to just pass my ball to each other. And then once that got going, a kid named Winfred joined us. At first he asked me for my ball, but when he saw he couldn't get it, he just joined us. And then, a couple minutes later, Roberto, comes up and askes me for the ball, so that the ping-pong table can play(apparently the ball disappered). I said no and kept playing with Steven, Michael, and Winfred. and then, while we were playing, Roberto goes through, and steals the ball, and heads right towards the ping-pong table. I go and get my ball back, by hurting him (actully I jumped him)and making him hit the ball another way. I went to retrive it and then continued play with Michael, Steven,and Winfred.Once ping-pong got boring for Roberto, he came and joined us. after 5 (or so) minutes, Natchi and Paulo came and joined. and after them Ahmza. It got really wild with a lot of people. (there was also Abdokarim from my regular class and Yuksif who also played, annoy-ing-lly. To the others and me they were annoying.) And then, Matthew hit it over the fence, so we had to wait for a while, until a guy on the other side gave us our ball back. and then a couple minutes later, Winfred, hit it into a bush on the other side. so we couldn't play. I was in a very bad mood, when he hit it over, cause it was my ball. 3rd & 4th period; CLA. after that, school's finished.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

trouble maker

Today was not my best ping-pong day. Steven, Michael, and Matthew were not here today for reasons I know but I can't tell you. pre-school ping-pong; I skiped this because I was late. unfortunately. On Tuesdays Roberto and Paulo don't come.1st period; Arts Class. oh, I don't like this class at all!!!!!! I was cheaking my Math homework, to make sure that I got everything right. And then My Arts teacher took my math notebook away. along with my arts book. don't like her at all. so then, after class was over, I left in a hurry, so that I forgot my Math notebook. In-Between-Classes EXTRA: What Happened Between Arts Class and CLA (speacail class); Okay, so I went out of the class, and headed to my locker, to put my jacket in it. after that I headed to a board that marks when the teachers don't come to school. And I saw Roberto and Paulo come through the doors for 2nd period. after that I was walking through the halls when, Morgan and Melunie, from my class, comes running up to me. holding my math notebook. I thanked them and walked to the CLA classroom. 2nd period; CLA. I saw that, Kenan comes to this class. didn't know that. and we got a lot of homework. a lot. I gotta do that. after I post. morning ping-pong; again not my best. without Steven, Michael, and Matthew it's a bit boring. 3rd And 4th periods; PE. there's a new guy in town. my original teacher Mrs. Brasseur, is on leave, i think, so this is the new guy filling her place. I don't know his name, so we'll call him Mr.NewGuy. He's actully cool, if you think about it. but he screams a lot. We played a game called Handball (not known in USA) and I scored a point. lunch break and ping-pong; i'm still not good. oh well, I actully didn't mind. for once. While I was in the lunch line, I acidentlly dented my ball, lucky Paulo, Roberto, and Natchi (known as Roberto's Friend from preveious posts) were in the lunch line also and let me tell you; Natchi is one of the best people to go to if your ball is dented. Off the ping-pong place, Natchi can be nice. so Roberto, Paulo, and Natchi for some reason, picked a table near me, Gaël, and Susan. I can say, wait a minute, I am saying, that while I was eatting I was a bit hyper. I was going to fling my ping-pong ball at Mariem to catch, but I didn't. When it was time for classes, surveillance came and busted us (Me, Roberto, Paulo, Natchi, and Tunisie Guy). Surveillance almost took my ball away, but, becuase of Tunisie Guy's (I will find out his name) quick thinking, surveillance gave me back my ball. 5th period; Math. this is so easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they should transfer me into 7th grade. 6th period; History CLA. Specail History Class. very easy. I'll admit, I was a bit hyper in this class. Walking Home Extra: While I was walking home, I got the chance to catch up talking to this guy named David, who I meet a couple Wednesdays ago. Turns out, he's in the same class as Asseir (a girl in CLA). I also got to talk with this girl that I always walk home with on Tuesdays.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Cool Day

not only was it a cool day, it was cold. very cold. so, here's my school day: pre-school ping-pong; not bad, but not good. On Mondays Steven, Michael, and Matthew don't come because they don't have 1st period. Before we entered the school gates I saw Roberto and Paulo. 1st period; History. not bad. back in USA I loved history. I guess it's okay. 2nd period; permance. boring. I drew in my schedule book all the time. could of slept. but I didn't. morning ping-pong; one time when I served, I was up against Paulo. by chance I served this really fast and cool served(I should do more) and I got Paulo out. when he got out I said, "Sorry." the look on his face is so funny. And then in another game, he tried to get me back, for getting him out, but instead, he end up getting himself out. lol.3rd period; CLA. learning a lot of things. Back on Friday, We had to do a exercise sheet and I forgot to answer on. if it weren't for Steven, I would have gotten one wrong. I always thought I was a last minute-kinda girl. 4th period; permance. As most of you know, if you spend 4th period in permance, you get to eat before all the school. So I didn't miss any ping-pong. yay!!! Steven, Michael, and Matthew were in permance as well. lunch ping-pong; well, me and Steven, we were the first ones there. So we played finals. 6th time at finals. I'm going to quit counting, it's getting too confusing. So anyway, me and Steven played in finals, and I WON!!!!!yeah!!!!!! Go Lykachy!!!! uh huh!!!!! One life. later on, Michael got into finals, and he won too, but he gave me his life. [cause I all ready used mine](FYI: If you win a game, it counts as a life.) When Paulo, Roberto, and Roberto's Friend, oh by the way I found out Roberto's Friend's name. It's Natchi. Not spelled like that, but that's as close as I can get. Okay, so, When Paulo, Roberto, and Natchi (Roberto's Friend) went to eat, they never give me any lifes. I wonder why. why??? ok. a couple of minutes after they left, I got to finals again. I forgot against who, but I lost badly. 3-0. oh man. but I should be use to it, I usually lose like that. I gotta get good. When Roberto, Paulo, and Natchi (Roberto's Friend) came back, we played. One time, Michael, one of the people who I think is not very good at ping-pong, eliminated Paulo with a hit, kind of like my served that eliminated Paulo this morning, very fast. I was laughing like crazy. that's the second time today Paulo's been eliminated like that. You should have seen Paulo's face. *laughs* On the last game before the bell, I was so close to finals, but I got eliminated. 5th period; English. It was kinda interesting, for once. 6th period; CLA. a bit boring. but I thought and said to Michael " Somebody must have given the class sugar." this, was kinda fun. afternoon ping-pong; It's alright. I was one of the first to get there, so Lutfi and Leonel from CLA, had their backpacks on the table and they were fighting around the table. So when I came up, I took Leonel's backpack, cause it was on my side, and threw it on the ground. One of my friend Mariem (pronounced; Mare-re-em) promised me, tomorrow, that If I get out, she'll give me her place, if she's still in, that is. around when the bell rang, well, Paulo, Roberto, Natchi(Roberto's Friend), and the Tunisie Guy (from other posts) was still around. so I play against two. Me and Roberto against Paulo and Natchi (Roberto's Friend). with Tunisie Guy roaming around and interrupting the game. last time I played pairs with Roberto (which was Friday 10 November), I played on the left side of the table, but this time I played on the right side, for a little anyway, after a couple of minutes we switched sides. and then a couple minutes after that, Surveillance came and told us off. 7th period; French Class. boring. boring. boring. why do I have to be in there? And A Ping-Pong EXTRA, from Lykachy. Last time, I played ping-pong pairs with Roberto, he must have realized I play better on the left side, so he probably put me on the right to see if I could do the right side. Well he figured after a couple of rounds, that I do better on the left. You know I played pairs on Friday 10 November with Paulo too. I think he prefers Natchi(Roberto's Friend), cause I'm a 'beginner' to him and Natchi's been playing this for a while. I don't know. I don't what to think. What's Natchi's problem with me? I need to sort this out. I'll post vids from Youtube soon. I'm haveing problems right now.

Friday, November 10, 2006

I love fridays

I like school on fridays. it's cool, read and you'll know why. pre-school ping-pong; I ran towards the ping-pong table, so I got in on a game before there was a lot of people. Just me, Gaël, Susan, and a guy called Winfred (or something)and we are playing with Gaël's ball. finals was Winfred VS Gaël, 3-0, Winfred. okay so, when the bell rang to tell everyone to get ready for school, I gave Gaël her ball, and then (becuase there was still people there) I took my ball out to play ping-pong for a bit. I played pairs ping-pong with Roberto as my partner, against Paulo and Roberto's Friend, who I mention a couple posts back. until one of the teachers that patroled the school (surveilance students call them) told us off. I forgot the score, I wasn't keeping tract. 1st period & 2nd period; PE (gym, or sports) with this old guy. On fridays they switch the classes around, like they combine some students from another 6th grade class with some from another class. in this so called 'class' there was one dude that I reconized from ping-pong, I don't know his name though. Elisabete, from CLA (specail class) Is usually with me on fridays, but today she wasn't. In PE, we did somethings with frizbees. morning ping-pong; can't say much, cause I forgot much. 3rd period; CLA (speacail class) something with something. Steven was the only one there. 4th period; permance, YES!!! that means food. If your in permance in 4th period you get to eat before the school. that means I get to play 1 hour and 30 minutes of ping-pong. (that's how long our lunch break is, classes resume at 2:00pm) lunch ping-pong; Michael and Matthew didn't stay for lunch break because they get to go home early, lucky ducks. okay, ping-pong. when Steven, Paulo, Roberto, and Roberto's Friend went to eat, I got to finals once. I lost badly, 3-0. 5th time at finals. ^_^okay, fast forwording to when the doors open for the students who eat at home. ^_^ so many people, and then a couple mintues after the bell ring to tell us school's starting, I played pairs ping-pong again, this time, me with Paulo against Roberto and (who i'm pretty sure is) Roberto's Friend. 5th period; Math, subtraction and adding (or something like that). easy as eatting cake. My Math Teacher, Mrs. Torres, is my Homeroom Teacher too, and our school pictures have come, yay!!! I look good. fridays only 5 periods (or 4, does permance count?)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

it's a sunny day

Today, Thrusday November 09, in France it was sunny. pre-school ping-pong; no ping-pong cause I didn't feel like it. and + Steven, Matthew, Michael,Paulo and Roberto wasn't there. It's boring with out them. 1st period; Music, We had a test. If it was in English I would have aced it. I took the test, and try to answer it in french, but most of the answers that I written was in English. 2nd period; CLA (spacial class) morning ping-pong; a lot of people.I usually get out early either I can't hit it right or I couldn't serve the ball right. 3rd period; CLA 4th period; Debate Class, that's not what it's called but that's the closest English term I could think of. lunch ping-pong; oh, this is interesting, here I was a bit under my game, still horrible like this morning, but a bit better. when I served a couple of times, I severed so fast that, I got a couple of people out. once I got Steven out, and from then (or so) Roberto was scared when I served. slightly funny, slightly annoying. and by the way, Steven got me back for getting him out. 5th period; permance. Me, Michael, and Matthew helped Steven with his English Homework. cause Steven doesn't know enough english (Joke). and I told and helped Steven with the CLA Homework. 6th period; Math CLA, (specail math class) easy as eating a pie. SCHOOL's DONE

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ahem. This is gonna be weird.

today at school, all my morning periods are spent in CLA (The sepcail class). and on Wedsendays we get out at 12:30 PM. okay. pre-school ping-pong; this was funny, about a couple of mintues before the bell rang, someone stepped on the ball. it was actully Steven's ball. Paulo and Roberto didn't come, which means they didn't have 1st period. morning ping-pong; okay, so me and Steven were the first at the ping-pong table, and we have no ball. Steven picked up his broken ball from pre-school ping-pong, and tried playing with it. the first time he served it, the ball hit the net (I dont know what's it called). the ball hit the thing and bounce back and hit Steven in the face. that was really funny. So two guys came. and we played two against two. when Roberto came up I said " Don't ask. Ask no questions, we'll tell you no answers.". and then someone came with a ball (that wasn't broken). towards the middle of break, there was a lot of people. and I was eliminated already, so I asked my friend Gaël if she had a ball. She did and let me used it. I bounce it a couple times, and then Steven came and played a bit. We bounced the ball to each other that's all. and then Roberto comes up and asks me if he and the rest of the ping-pong table could use the ball. I said that the ball wasn't mine and that it was Gaël's. He asked Gaël if he could use it. She said yes. I gave it to him, and followed him to play in the new game. THE END

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Is there something going on?

good day.very nice day, although the weather was very bad.ok, to bisness. So, when I arrive at the school gate at 8:30AM, it was still closed. So I waited. For the first time ever, my friends Gaël, Melunie, and Suzanne, came up to me and talk to me. So. when we were walking towards the gate, I saw Roberto with someone I didn't reconize. Me and my friends stayed walking behind Roberto and his friend, until we reached the ping-pong table. Then that friends turned around, and I saw that it was Paulo.He was wearing a different coat that's why I didn't reconize him. pre-school ping-pong; i think i forgot, many things happened today. you'll see. 1st period: Arts. it was very boring so I wrote an English entry. I'll copy it word for word;note: - means new paragraph: Tuesday, November 7 2006 Arts Class, 8:30-9:25 AM - There's nothing to do. Arts is not my best subject. Is arts even classified as a subject? Ah, well, I must look like I understand and also I must look like I am paying attention. Nobody likes arts. Who would? Okay, maybe the guy that painted ' The Mona Lisa' but apart from that..... - I must not get onMrs.Daubois' bad side.Because I have gum in class.hhhmmm.It's already November and she's(the theacher) is still continueing with hallaween drawings. I can't wait until Arts is over.*sigh* 2nd period: CLA(also known as Specail Class, but please get use to CLA). I was surprised in this one. One of the guys, named Kenan, usually is not in this class. At least i think so. but today, he was in this class and in my spot. And then for some reason (or a reason) I sat next to him. Here's the reason; because I didn't know who was sitting there; because there was only books and nobody was sitting there, and then when class began I saw who was sitting there. morning ping-pong; here I saw Steven, Michael,and Mathew. Apparentlly, they were not sick but, the landowner move them again. This time farther away. very far. I almost got to finals, but because people wouldn't move out of my way, I didn't make it. that person was mainly Matthew. I yelled at him after. And I chased Ben again this time I slipped and fell and got my pants dirty. very dirty. 3rd period: usually 3rd and 4th periods, I have PE (or Gym). But Our gym teacher wasn't there, so while my regular class got to go to permanace, I went to CLA. 4th period: permance. If you come to permance during 4th period, you get to eat lunch before the school. so, I ate. chicken with peas. I don't like that so i only ate a little. for dessert? chocolate pudding, again. It was still good. Also I learned that two guys liked me. lunch ping-pong; after Paulo, Roberto, Roberto's Friend, and Steven left, I got to finals two times. makeing it 4 times at finals. It always happens when Roberto and Paulo go and eat. I lost both times at finals. Both times I played against the Tunisie Guy, which you might remember from Yesterday's post. 5th period: math. with my regular class. pretty easy. adding, and adding with decimals. 6th period: History CLA. with the History and Geography teacher. in this class I again had to sit by Kenan. is there something going on? I won't answer that. AND IT'S FINISHED, SCHOOL THAT IS.

Monday, November 06, 2006

day after vacation ends

ok. so school today. pre-school ping pong; you know, no ping pong because it was cold and windy and + no ball.So I hung out with my friends. after first period, is Biology(second period), apparentlly my class has a bio test. I'm glad my CLA teacher let me drop it becuase I didn't know enough french. don't like bio. so I gotta go into permance(or study hall). it's kinda like this: your stuck in a classroom with 30 other kids, with a watchdog (FYI: a teacher). So I had time on my hands, so I worte this little paper copied word for word below:; Monday November 6 Study Hall, 9:25-10:20 AM Mrs.Burtin said that to keep studying English otherwise I might forget it, so, I'll just write. How about that? My class has a Biology Test today. I'm so glad that Miss Barirre, my speacailist teacher, didn't have me in Bio. Apart from the fact that I don't speak french and the fact that I don't really like our teacher, I would probally ace science/biology. So while the class endures many lectures,I, get to be in Study Hall. It's not bad, although I like it better when there's fewer people and Mr.Frank is supervising. Today, before school, there was no ping-pong. Why, you ask? Because it was cold and no one brought a ball. I gotta remember to bring one on Mondays, cause, Michael, Matthew and Steven, come late on Mondays. It's getting cold outside this month, but I don't wear a jaket, cause my other one is too small and also, I don't do jackets...yet. there you have it. morning ping-pong is boring so I'm not gonna recap it. execpt there is one thing; in third period I learn that Steven and Micheal were sick, nothing about Mathew. let's skip to the lunch break and ping-pong. lunch was pretty decent today. We had french fries. It's ok I geuss. and for desert, chocolate pudding. yum. lunch ping-pong; thing were kinda interesting. No one brought a ball so we played with a broken one. then someone stepped on it, so no ping-pong. Paulo and Roberto left for lunch. 10 (or so) mintues later, this Tunisie (I have no idea where that country is) Guy (we'll abbreviate from now on; TG) says that maybe he can get a ball from Mr Barthel, head of Department of Misbehavers. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, if you don't, commet. so TG disappears for 10 (or so) mins. and comes back with a ball. awsome right? so, some mintues later, I got to finals against TG. just me and TG. 2nd time at finals, might I add, Paulo and Roberto was still eatting. 3-0 to TG. and I lost. during a couple of the games, when Roberto and Paulo came back, Steven's friend, who's name is Ben, makes fun of me. So I chase him around and kick and hit him when I'm close. and get this; sometime Roberto joins Ben into makeing fun of me. in between that, I'm pretty sure Ben said that Roberto liked me, to Roberto, that is. SO. when lunch break was over and we had to get into our classes, this mystery guy comes up and ask me a few ?'s. here's the dialouge. MG stands for Mystery Guy. Me.and (surprisinglly) R for Roberto. English translation:; MG: What grade are you in? (Roberto was walking very close and listening in and answering too for that matter) Me & R (at the same time): 6th MG: How old are you? Me: 12 (MG walks away) Me (to Roberto in English): "How did you know what class I'm in?" R: come again? Me: How did you know what class I'm in? (and I walk away) that's all for today

Sunday, November 05, 2006

back from vacation

Hi! I'm back from vacation-ing in a city called LA ROCHELLE. It was awsome. hhhmmm. sorry I haven't posted lately. school's tomarrow. It'll be the first time I see everyone in 10 days. I found that my figure skating has getting very harder. and trying to perfect my spins. cant wait for ping pong tomarrow.*parties* can't wait to see everyone. sorry talking too much about school. *gasp* I forgot to do my English HomWork!!! Oh no! thankfully English is a breeze over here. ta-ta!until tomarrow

About Me

I'm kinda dumb (not a lot, but) in person but smart on paper. I'm evil.full of mischief.likes boys. doesn't like following school rules (most of the time). likes 4 guys from my school. Loves my puppy Tigger, most of the time.Likes boys.Loves going on the internet.Perfers to be left alone. love music