Friday, May 05, 2006


I'm actully on time today, for posting.OK, so Ricky, Brian,Kelly,Chris the green strip,Richard,May were there.So after class Brain told me and Kelly he lives in Brainerd. I did not know that.He said that he and his wife has a driveway that's a mile long,and like 10 acers?( somewhere close to that).He has a fishing boat(He said) a snowmobile, and somthing else(I forgot).Kelly at this point said this:"I live in WI. and the one thing that i've always wanted was a snowmobile.(At this point i dont think these are the exact words)sking,that's ok but i love snowmobiling". I'm like" Is it okay if me and my classmates play air soft?" he didnt know what air soft was. But, he said he had a paintball feild in the woods.I said" That will do" i have to get off the internet now, my dad wants it, he just came out of the shower.Gotta go.

1 comment:

Rexford said...

I like reading your blog :) It is very interesting ^_^

The good red belt ^_^

About Me

I'm kinda dumb (not a lot, but) in person but smart on paper. I'm evil.full of mischief.likes boys. doesn't like following school rules (most of the time). likes 4 guys from my school. Loves my puppy Tigger, most of the time.Likes boys.Loves going on the internet.Perfers to be left alone. love music