Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Missing people by the minute. >>>>>>>>School people I'm missing<<<<<<<<<< Espeically Alex, Whitney, Anna, Hannah, Katie, ( the annoying) Curtis, Dylan, Anna's Dog Foxy ( Take note: real name: Dakota), Brenton, Mrs. Anoka County 2006 ( Brenton's mom, Mrs. Wills) <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>Tkd People I'm missing<<<<<<<<< Nick Franco, Anna Franco, Parents of the two Franco's, Amy and the two Larson, Brasemlies, Amy the school teacher, Grandmaster Kim, Aaron, Jason, Ricky, Phillip the little green dude, Caroline Kim, Alex Kim, Parents of the two Kim's, french dude, Semrads, Geneva <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  1. and only BEAT UP RICKY cause i would do it my self, but i'm 9,000 miles away.

Hello from France

Hi guys. there are a lot of things here i have to get use to. I cant belive I'm actully here. Okay, if you've been on a plane, you know how you have to go through security; when my bags were being x-rayed, I heard the x-ray person say " iceskates? ". because I had ice skates in there. Okay, here in France even the key board's diffrent. Here's how it looks: these two rows are on the same key: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ° + & é " ' (( - è _ ç à ) = then follow by the letter parts : a z e r t y u i o p (exrta keys after p)^^ $ q s d f g h j k l m (extra keys after m) ù * w x c v b n (extra keys after n) , ; : ! It's very hard. Even the start of was french at lease we have in English. It'11:33 am in France when I wrote this. I'm betting it's 4:34 am in the US. everything is in french here! Tell me Semrads what happens in TKD on Tuesday's May 30th and Wedsday's 31. it's really hard trying to keep track of time here and over in US. you get confused. My dad says it's 7 hours a part. I miss every one.>>>>>>> I'm lonely<<<<<<<<<<. I had a party. for my friends from WBA. Alex, his brother Matt, and Anna came. I'm gonna miss Alex and Anna, espeically Alex. >>today><<> I'm so tired! changeing time zones is tireing. >>>from our flight <<< We ofcourse flew from MSP air port on Northwest to Amsterdam, Netherlands. Last time I went to France, I flew on Icelandair, and that time we stop at Iceland's capital. This time We flew across the Atlantic Ocean.which is tireing. I was seated at 44 c which is in the back. We were seated in the middle, away from the windows. My mom thought that one of the guys on our right was cute. My guess; they were returning to Amsterdam. when we were getting off, my bag was stuck on top and the cute guy's friend helped me. He wasen't cute. The cute guy however was old enough to be my brother. He was cute. <<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm sorry but I haven't met any friends yet. We're going to the US embassey today, so may be I'll meet some freshmen or people my age. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Good <<<<<<<<>>>>>>> for >>>>>>>>>now<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Monday, May 29, 2006

O yeah.

And my mom got Alex and Brenton mixed up.

What happen when Alex came

Ok, I forgot to tell you somthing. When Anna, Alex, Matt, and I were in the basement.Anna and Alex were chasing each other around. And Anna was sqirting Alex with a sqirt gun, and Alex, picked up a spatula in defence. He, he, he. I'm like " Gee, Alex is that all you got" or somthing like that. MY VERY LAST POST IN THE USA.

I'm going

I'm sorry to tell you this , but I'm going to France and I'm not coming back,EVER. Semrads, See TKD board on Friday. I'm having breanna diliver a note, and I dont trust her.She's really, really, really stupid.And dumb, and an Idiot. if you want to have a copy of the note and take it to TKD yourself, e-mail me at: And I can sent it to you. We, are leaveing today at 9:00pm. Today my parents let me have a party cause we're going. Alex Klienfelter, Matt Klienfelter, and Anna Harlan came. I think Alex is hot.and cute. Brenton Wills stop by only for a couple of minutes.His mom is Mrs.Anoka County. Go MRS.WILLS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! My last post in the USA.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Over the last two days

Over the last days: on Monday we just hung around the school, On tuesday Elem. 3rd- 6th grade got to go to the Minnesota Zoo.It was funny. You know in the Sea lab. where there are the sharks that you can pet? Well when I was trying to pet it, I almost fell into the water! On Wedsenday, We had a picnic at school only 4th - 6th.Note: There were water guns involed. On Thrusday, was a half day of school.And the last day of school.Me and Whitney slept over at Anna Harlan's House.It.......was awsome. WE ARE NOW 7TH GRADERS, IN JUNIOR HIGH AND AT OUR SCHOOL, FRESHMANS. On Friday was 6th graders trip to valley fair. I rode on the corksrew( it was awsome), the monster( I was in between Whitney and Anna),thunder canyon( Each time we did it one of us girls had to sit by Ryan.Micheal, and Curtis was on there too.). there were more but I can't remember. Then that night I slept over at Whitney's house.Her Hamster is awake 24/7 and woke me up in the middle of the night.And today I went to my cousin's house for a birthday Party. It was the most boring Party ever.

Thursday, May 25, 2006


I just wacth the last parts of AMERICAN Idol. ANd TAYlor hICKs won!!!! I was thinking that he was gonna win cause i don't like Kathrine McPhee too much. Especially when she sang " Can't Help Falling In Love With You" that is one of my faves. and she didn't sing it right. GO TAYLOR HICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO AMERICAN IDOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Attention: The Yesterday's post below will never be finished! At school today, we had awards chapel, I didn't get any thing but neither did Whitney.After that 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5thgrade and ofcoruse 6th grade went to Locke County Park in Fridley for a water gun fight and picnic. WE ( Anna, Whitney and me) were singing HOODWINKED's song: " Here's a story I know".."You'll like".."It's the one about the girl riding on her bike"" I know" " la,la,la,la,la,la, but i know it's true" " She could never be rude, or unkind" ( Here Anna always go 'Unlike Lykachy') " But A sad song played at the back of her mind" " Oh" "la,la,la,la,la,la," " Take me out of the woods" " great big world " " You know I'm wanting for you" In the water gun fight I got soaked.American Idol is on and right now I'm typing this instead of wacthing it. Some people went walking on a trail.Me and Katie were planing to push Ryan into the river but it didn't work out.Then I think on our way back( we walked a long way) I played H,N, or c. That is to say; Hot, Not ( Alex usally adds" Not or neither"), or cute. The 6th grade girls virsion is Hot or not. There's an in between too. Tomarrow is our last day of school and it's a half-day.Also tomarrow Me and Whitney are going to Anna's House for a sleepover.Then on friday, the day after tomarrow, Us 6th grader ( now freshmen) are going to VALLEY fAIR. That is to say those who made it. Then after VALLEY fAIR me and Anna are going to sleepover a Whitney's house. NO TKD POSTING TODASY. SEE Ya Later. I Heard FROM whitney That Her neighbor, Matt is totally HOT!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I'm So Sorry

I'm so sorry I haven't been posting lately.Here's what's been happening.

AT Tae Kwon Do

  1. On May 20th 2006, We hosted the 2006 Tae Kwon Do govener's Cup it......was awsome. The location was at DeLaSalle High minneapolis. I got to sing the national anthem with Mrs.Brasumle, JoAnna Grunnes, Anna Franco, And Lenae Brasumle.
  2. I have to and got to be a timer.Some one who times the sparing rounds. It was two rounds of sparring with 1 min. for children and two rounds with 1 min. 30 sec. for adults/juniors.
  3. Competitors: the people who were there from my TKD school who competed, and what places they got. Ricky (last name ?) sparring: ? Forms: ? Breaking: - ; Jacob Larson sparring: ? forms: ? breaking: ?; NICK FRANCO sparring: got disqalufied for hitting a guy in the nose. It was either a nose bleed or it was broken.He said " That's the first time i've ever gotten disqulufied" what i said " Well, there's a first for every thing" forms:? breaking: 1st; Derek Grunnes sparring: 1st forms:- breaking: ? ; JoAnna Grunnes sparring : 3rd forms: 2nd breaking:-; Jason Kim( Grandmaster (MN)Kim's son) sparring: disqalufied for hitting the dude on the cheeck.Nick Franco said" Man, that guy's gonna have to get stichts" forms:? breaking:? ; Linda Brasemle sparring:? forms:? breaking:?
  4. People who didn't compete but was there Kristen Harlander was there. This guy, Danny and his sister Evevet. Kelly Frasier. Mrs.Mary Kim. Frances Kim.Tom Fruchey.'toni' Bird.George Bird.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

@ a birthday party

Ok.Right now I'm at a party for my cousin(?) Lucky.I'm surprise that they even have internet.Me and Breanna tried to go iceskating but there wasn't open skating. Not skating is so hard.


Sorry I haven't posted in a long time.I've been busy.Anyway I haven't been to TKD the past week, I have a feeling that Grandmaster Kim is gonna kill me.Mr.Bagwell will.

  • On Monday I went to the YMCA with my mom and dad
  • On Tuesday was my mom's Birthday
  • On Wedsenday I had ice skating classess( 6:00-7:00 @ Brooklyn Park Ice Arena 2)
  • On Thrusday my parents and i went to downtown Minneapolis
  • And today, i stayed with my uncle because my mom and dad went to chicago,IL. For those who don't know i stayed with Breanna and them( if you go to Kim's TKD you should know her)

Yesterday at school we had a Book convention. Me and my people that i hang out with( Whitney, Anna, Hannah and somtimes included Kelly) were in the blechers 1st. Then the boy ( Curtis, dylan, and Brenton) comes over and steals our spot. They even got us in trouble.Me and Anna were jumping up and down in the bleachers after Mrs.Butler told us to stop running.She told us to stop running not Jummping,but she treated me and Anna like we broke a rule.We both got a check. Meanwhile, Curtis said he droped Kelly's pen (that he took from her) under the bleachers and Whitney and Hannah went under the bleachers to get it.Kelly didn't cause she's afraid.Baby.Any way Whitney and Hannah got in trouble too.Just for going under the bleachers.After that she sent us back to homeroom, gave us a lecture about respecting her, how she feels that some of the class hated her.She even said somthing about, here's how it went I think " I've notice this year that your trying to get in with the boys.You need to stop doing that.You should have a look inside your own hearts and think about what God wants you to do." something, some of the girls spoke up i think Hannah, Whitney, andAnna, something, same thing again, we spoke up for ourself, something" You need to stop talking to the boys.You need to stop socializing( somthing like that) with the boys. Maybe we should separate the guys from the girls." then i said " We should have the boys on one side and the girls on the other." she said sarcastilly" Yeah maybe I should do that." The Boys starts it all. Why is she blaming us.We,( the girls that were involed) think that she favors the boys.

  • I put chesse its down Alex's back on Monday
  • I put popcorn down Ryan's back on Thrusday

Today, it was raining and we had to have nothing for Gym.In the Gym Was the book convention.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My Mom's Birthday.

Happy Birthday, Mom!!!!!!! even though it was yesterday, i'm posting it today cause i forgot to yesterday.( Spelling errors) Any way if you went to TKD on Monday, Tesday, and today.....pOST IT OK!?!?!

No Posting( Sorry)

I'm sorry i haven't been posting lately.I didn't go to TKD classes either.On monday my parents and I went to the YMCA.On tuesday was my mom's B-day and today i have iceskating classes.We're are going to Breanna's house today so I'll probaly post today. { NO PROMISES !!!!!! }

Sunday, May 07, 2006

New Friends

  • Ok., Yesterday i made friends in my neighborhoood.And you'll never geuss who they are.They are boys.Brandon and Jake.I know diferent people with Jake's name.Jake S. from WBA, JakeW. from Madison Elem., Jake K. from Madison Elem.,Jacob from TKD.
  • Also yesterday: me, my cousin, and my mom stayed up all night and wactch Jurasicc Park and The Lost World.
  • Take Note: If you realy want to scare me, rent Jurasicc Park and scare me half way through the movie by jumping out and scaring me. DUH!!!
  • Today me and my cousin wactch the cronicles of Narnia alll day untill 3:00.
  • Happy Mother's Day ( Q: When is Mother's Day??? I forgot.)
  • Iceskating classes starts May 10; this Weds.

Friday, May 05, 2006


I'm actully on time today, for posting.OK, so Ricky, Brian,Kelly,Chris the green strip,Richard,May were there.So after class Brain told me and Kelly he lives in Brainerd. I did not know that.He said that he and his wife has a driveway that's a mile long,and like 10 acers?( somewhere close to that).He has a fishing boat(He said) a snowmobile, and somthing else(I forgot).Kelly at this point said this:"I live in WI. and the one thing that i've always wanted was a snowmobile.(At this point i dont think these are the exact words)sking,that's ok but i love snowmobiling". I'm like" Is it okay if me and my classmates play air soft?" he didnt know what air soft was. But, he said he had a paintball feild in the woods.I said" That will do" i have to get off the internet now, my dad wants it, he just came out of the shower.Gotta go.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

At school

Ok.Tomarrow is field day and i have to finish a stupid illistration for school.Today Jeremy's mom came and show us some games that were gonna be on sale at a book fair we're having. Me Dylan and Jake played the games as well as every one else.Me and Dylan made sure that Jake lost.We cheated a lot.During PE Mrs.Dice let us have freetime, so i took a marker and marked Whitney and Anna.Then they got markers and attaked me,so i attaked them.Curtis, he saw us marking each other and said"I'm gonna wactch them" or somthing like that.Whitney, she took her marker and got it on my back, the color was pink.Tomarrow is feild day.and i have to play truth or dare with Dylan Curtis, Anna,Whitney and i think Brenton.


OK.I'll try to post it on the day it occur.this happen yesterday.Mr.Fairbanks, Adam's dad, Mr.Brown???,Ricky,Suzi,chris the green strip, and a new guy Bill, and some other dudes. Ricky and i were pair togeter, and he swears he was going soft on me.I'm like..yeah right.I bet Rickys gonna go to Goveners Cup.I remember him saying when i told him that i was testing for my 1st degree"Yeah,now you can start classes". He was the oldest out of the two of us so he had to start class.Ha, ha, ha.Somtime it pays to be young.At Madison I was sparring girls one to three years older than me.I'm so lucky i didnt have to sparr boys.Governer's Cup update: it is in a few weeks.I'm gonna be singing the National Anthem...At lease i think so.and also Black belt testing is on May 19.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Today at lunch

Today at lunch, there was like a food fight between the boys and girls(6th grade) table.It was a small food fight so the teachers didnt see.I of course started it by throwing a tomato at Ryan Poorman and another one at Curtis.But Curtis, Brenton, and Dylan had air soft ammo( formaly called BB's) which they shot at us( Whitney, Anna, and me. were the only girls who was in the foodfight) like a spit ball. Sorry I'll try not to write so many posts on one day.

Dylan and freaken school

OK today during soccer,Dylan made two goal.i cant belive this.Dylan usaully doesnt make a goal.My friend Anna brought her puppy to school.She's so cute( I meant the dog) and has a anteater kinda tounge. new Vallyfair update : in three weeks us 6th graders get to go to Vallyfair. TKD: yes there will be a TKD post today......i think.....we'll see. Keep in mind on Wedensday @ WBA we get out @ 2:20-ish.If you need help with any subject you have to go to help class(2:30-3:00). Help class sucks.I use to like it, but now i dont. I have a very big mind.

To a post that Isaac made

Isaac, dude, you are so lucky that I havent been to TKD the last week. And if you want to murder gotta murder me to cactch (spelling) me!!!! or else let me murder you 1st, then you can murder me!!!(followed by evil laugh)ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha(choking, gasping for breath) ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,(choking, choughing) " I am not gonna laugh any more today."( little mice will be standing by the side lines when Isaac and I sparr going " murder,murder,murder,murder" really, they dont care who wins.)


The first day of May was yesterday but... Happy may! OK, to day Dylan at my school was nice but also mean at the same time.He and I use to be so mean but now we're kinda nice (like 1% nice for him and 20% nice for me.That's a big change for me.) today at lunch Mr.Harlan my friend Anna's Dad brought pizzsa hut.He brought breadsticks with maranara( i suck at spelling) sauce. the cove for it had the sauce on it, so then i took the cover and put it on my friend, Katie's forehead. She was so laughing. The boys were getting on my nerves during lunch, if Mr Harlan wasnt there i would have flung my mac&chesee (spelling again) at them.I also poked my friends Anna and Whitney, with a pink highlighter on their cheeks. I have a feeling that they are so gonna kill me.ZThey are so totally not.


Today at TKD my first day back cause last week except tuesday i had iceskating, i didnt go on monday cause my dad told me to rest that day, so heres what happen: 1st i told rexford (the small one) that i got a blod, 2nd i could have murdered Isacc but i did nt, 3rd we sparred for most of the time, 4th Ricky wasnt there he usally comes so does Anna and Nick Franco 5th i saw the Kims for the first time in a while and also Mr. Fruchie there's gonna be a TKD one all week!? i think......

About Me

I'm kinda dumb (not a lot, but) in person but smart on paper. I'm evil.full of mischief.likes boys. doesn't like following school rules (most of the time). likes 4 guys from my school. Loves my puppy Tigger, most of the time.Likes boys.Loves going on the internet.Perfers to be left alone. love music