Saturday, June 03, 2006

spent the morning with my grandparents

Okay Yesterday I spent the night with my grandparents. My mom's mom and dad.This morning, we, that is to say, my mom, her mom and dad, and me, went to a chicken killing farm, to by hay for my grand ma's chicken. She has chickens.?! I didn't know that till today. So any way, There was this really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really cute guy at the farm.He was more than cute. He was hot. THE FRENCH PEOPLE HAVE REALLY HOT GUYS!!! <<<<>>>>> If you are looking for hot guys, come to France.

1 comment:

Rexford said...

Dont' worry, I didn't tell Ricky you liked him, I was joking.
Sure, I will start collecting addresses soon ^_^. I'll try to start saying what happens at TKD ^_^
The good red belt ^_^ who really likes the face: ^_^, ^_^

About Me

I'm kinda dumb (not a lot, but) in person but smart on paper. I'm evil.full of mischief.likes boys. doesn't like following school rules (most of the time). likes 4 guys from my school. Loves my puppy Tigger, most of the time.Likes boys.Loves going on the internet.Perfers to be left alone. love music