Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My friends and classmates in my Special Class

ok. I'm blogging about my friends and classmates in the Special Class. I said I would didn't I. To shorten that up, we'll call it CLA. that's it's real name. name might be spelled wrong, and you might pronounce it wrong. ~the guys~ Yuksif, he's in 6th grade and he's 12, I think. Steven, (Michael and Matthew's brother)In 8th grade and he's 14. Michael, (Steven and Matthew's brother),in 6th grade and he's 12 right now.Matthew, (Steven and Michael's brother)in 9th grade and he's 16.Lutfi, in 7th grade, and I forgot how old he is. Lom-Ali, get this, He is in 7th grade and he is 16, he don't look 16, trust me.Monsour, Lom-Ali's brother, also in 7thgrade, and he's 14, he looks 10. Mourad, he's in 9th grade.Maroun, he's in 8th with Steven's class (Paulo is in Steven's class too).Kenan, I think he's in 8th grade and he's 14.Ezekiel, I don't know.Leonel, I think he's in 9th grade. and sometimes Ali, he's in 6th grade with Yuksif's class. }the girls{ Elisabete, she's in 6th grade, with Ali and Yuksif's class, I forgot how old she was.Aser, she's Kenan's sister, she's also in 7th grade and she's 12.Yüksel, in 6th grade.Silem, in 6th grade with Yüksel's class, she's 11.and me, in 6th and 12 years. Michael, Matthew, and Steven thinks that Kenan likes me.I think so too. Acer and Lutfi like each other, that's what I think.

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About Me

I'm kinda dumb (not a lot, but) in person but smart on paper. I'm evil.full of mischief.likes boys. doesn't like following school rules (most of the time). likes 4 guys from my school. Loves my puppy Tigger, most of the time.Likes boys.Loves going on the internet.Perfers to be left alone. love music