Thursday, December 14, 2006

Today and maybe tomarrow

well, today (lunch ping-pong), Roberto (he's one of the twins) was really, really, really hyper. You could tell too. come to think of it, he was like this on Tuesday and Monday as well. somebody gave him sugar and I think that somebody is Steven. come to think of it, Steven gave us all sugar on Monday....... everyone might be hyper tomarrow. I figured something out today. Paulo and Roberto likes chocolate. (and candy). I do too, I said to my dad once, " I need to have a certain amount of sugar everyday." That is very true. I forgot to mention something to you. Yesterday (Wednesday) the students in the CLA Class (me included) had a test. Today, we got our results. I got 22.5 out of 30. In my school in USA, it would have been a B. I had a math test couple days ago with my regular class 607. We got our results today. I got 11 out of 20. in my USA school that would be a C . but my math teacher says, " That's good, considering you only speak English and the test was in French." Out of the whole class, the highest grade was 14/20 (14 out of 20). I probally would have gotten 20/20 (20 out of 20) if it was in English, but sadly it wasn't. during our lunch ping-ping, Natchi had (at the most) 14 lives. At this school, they made up a rule that was, if you get 15 lives, you can't get eiliminated. I've only seen two people do that. Ahmza and some kid (i don't know his name). and, well, Steven, get this, was doing backflips. show off. even I can't do backflips yet. Mathieu was being shout at by an enraged Steven (for eiliminating Steven). and where, do you ask, was Michael? Talking with Lom-Ali. For me, Lom-Ali has moved into the annoying/gotta-be-kidding-me list. To get on that list, you have to annoy me, and (in my view) be a loser. Lom-Ali is 16. he is so immature. I don't know how he still remains with the cool crowd when he's like that. Today, Mansour (Lom-Ali's brother also on the annoying/gotta-be-kidding-me list) was sick or something cause he wasn't at school today.

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About Me

I'm kinda dumb (not a lot, but) in person but smart on paper. I'm evil.full of mischief.likes boys. doesn't like following school rules (most of the time). likes 4 guys from my school. Loves my puppy Tigger, most of the time.Likes boys.Loves going on the internet.Perfers to be left alone. love music