Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

I'm rude. I haven't posted in a long time. oh well, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! Chrisrtmas Dinners over here are great. That's the only fun part about Christmas (that and singing in church yesterday). I don't like to say this but, Christmas is getting boring. When your older, it doesn't really matter any more, does it? ah, well. My school is on Christmas break (duh) and Today I was on the internet all day. If it weren't for the fact that I have ice skating pratices(more on that tommaro), I would be on the internet all day.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The New Week Begins

For some reason, I'm exitied for this week to begin. Either, because, on Tuesday, I'm going to skip PE or something else. I know, I get to see my friends at school again. Usually, I don't like school that much, but I have to admit, over here, it's, I geuss, my life. My life at home, right now and forever, is down the drain. But My life at school is what keeps me going, I guess.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Today and maybe tomarrow

well, today (lunch ping-pong), Roberto (he's one of the twins) was really, really, really hyper. You could tell too. come to think of it, he was like this on Tuesday and Monday as well. somebody gave him sugar and I think that somebody is Steven. come to think of it, Steven gave us all sugar on Monday....... everyone might be hyper tomarrow. I figured something out today. Paulo and Roberto likes chocolate. (and candy). I do too, I said to my dad once, " I need to have a certain amount of sugar everyday." That is very true. I forgot to mention something to you. Yesterday (Wednesday) the students in the CLA Class (me included) had a test. Today, we got our results. I got 22.5 out of 30. In my school in USA, it would have been a B. I had a math test couple days ago with my regular class 607. We got our results today. I got 11 out of 20. in my USA school that would be a C . but my math teacher says, " That's good, considering you only speak English and the test was in French." Out of the whole class, the highest grade was 14/20 (14 out of 20). I probally would have gotten 20/20 (20 out of 20) if it was in English, but sadly it wasn't. during our lunch ping-ping, Natchi had (at the most) 14 lives. At this school, they made up a rule that was, if you get 15 lives, you can't get eiliminated. I've only seen two people do that. Ahmza and some kid (i don't know his name). and, well, Steven, get this, was doing backflips. show off. even I can't do backflips yet. Mathieu was being shout at by an enraged Steven (for eiliminating Steven). and where, do you ask, was Michael? Talking with Lom-Ali. For me, Lom-Ali has moved into the annoying/gotta-be-kidding-me list. To get on that list, you have to annoy me, and (in my view) be a loser. Lom-Ali is 16. he is so immature. I don't know how he still remains with the cool crowd when he's like that. Today, Mansour (Lom-Ali's brother also on the annoying/gotta-be-kidding-me list) was sick or something cause he wasn't at school today.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

running into friends (or at least seeing them)

These two days (Tuesday and Wednesday) have been awfully weird. I've been running into friends left and right. Yesterday, while picking up my little cousin, I saw Lom-Ali and Mansour. They're both from my CLA class. They were with Bervar. Bervar used to be in the CLA but he's not anymore. anyway, I talked to them, while waiting for the school gates to open. when I came out, I ran into a guy that plays at the ping-pong table. I forgot his name. After we picked up my little cousin, my aunt (she came to pick up my cousin too) me, and my cousin went shopping. We bought applesause, candy, and cake. On our way home, I saw Ridelle walking home. remember him? He's the one that's the best at the ping-pong table. On Wednesday, in France the students and teachers get off at 12:30. So I have ice skating at 1:15. after ice skating, me and my dad went biking. When we were bikeing I saw Marone. he's a guy that's in the CLA Class. after riding bikes, I had a dentist appointment. And when you have dentist or doctor appointments, you have to wait in a waiting room. While I was waiting, there was this really cute guy. His name is Alexander. How I find that out? well the dentist comes into the waiting room and says your first name.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

tired *yawns*

Well, today after lunch, I put highlights in my hair. with the color red, mind you. I like red. next time I'll dye all of my hair red. I wonder what my friends are going to say when I show up at school tomorrow. I especially want to see Steven, Michael, Matthew, Roberto, Natchi, and Paulo's reaction. I hope I don't look like a freak. This week-end, I was more tired than usual. I wonder why. my dad says that, whenever I take a nap, that means I'm sick. I have to say. I know I'm sick, but I'm not going to admit it to others. this is the second time this school year. right now it's only 9:45pm and I'm already tired. you have got to be kidding me. well. on Saturnday, I went to one of my friend's birthday party. Melunie's to be exact. her name's spelled Mélanie. keep that in mind, but I'm going to spell it Melunie. easier for me, cause, I'm really, really bad at spelling (as you can see I spelled Saturnday wrong). Used to get C in this subject. I still would you know. I don't know how I mange to avoid a D.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

A Change Of My Mind

Well, today, during our lunch break, I played ping-pong. For about 30 mins. after that I became my old self and went to play soccer. really, I used to play soccer. When I was in 6th grade in my school in Minnesota, during resess, I'd play soccer. I love that sport so much. I would play soccer almost everyday at resess, like ping-pong. execpt over here, the guys are so good at soccer, that I resorted to playing goalie. In 6th grade, I usually play defence or midfeild. but like I said, over here, they are too good, so I played goalie. of course I wasn't good at that either. but whatever. come to think of it, whenever I saved a goal, it was with my leg. and let me tell you, they kick hard. very, very hard. hard enough that it stings afterwords. ouch.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Then And Now

Well so I haven't blogged in a while, sorry. SOMEBODY (that SOMEBODY is Issac) said I should quit blogging about school. fine. I'll change it up a bit. Today, I had ice skating at 1:00 pm. after ice skating, I convinced my dad to go shopping. So I'm in this store called Carrefour. It's kinda like Super Target. Anyway, I was in the school items section, when, I saw Kenan. I think when I called his name, He jumped 2 feet (ok, not 2 feet, but he did jump). We talked a little bit, in french ofcourse. I now know how to speak french. a little bit of french but enough to hold a conversation.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Time really flys. December's here and pretty soon it's going to be 2007. TO DO LIST
  • find plane ticket for spring break
  • Christmas Shopping
  • organize a New Year Party or Christmas Party

good night and good luck

About Me

I'm kinda dumb (not a lot, but) in person but smart on paper. I'm evil.full of mischief.likes boys. doesn't like following school rules (most of the time). likes 4 guys from my school. Loves my puppy Tigger, most of the time.Likes boys.Loves going on the internet.Perfers to be left alone. love music