Sunday, July 30, 2006

On Spot Arrangment #9 - Hikari (Kingdom Hearts)
it's so nice.
Cats can be crazier than people some times
Cats Watching Tennis
Taped Cat
Cat on Ice
also cute!!!
Stoned Cat
I love this video. it is awsome!!!! See it!!!!
Un chaton qui a sommeil 眠たい仔猫

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Bike Theft Stunt
The best part wasn't the guy fakeing... it's the reporter.
Crawley kids in a tilgate park
I think it's stupid

One time When we Went To the ocean I told my dad this...

"Dad, my friends are right across the ocean. I will swim to New York!" I really said that. Here's what my mom said when I told her this: " The shark eat you before you get there." my reply: " Dad said that this Ocean(Atlantic) is too cold for sharks." I forgot what and if she said anything after that.

Oh My Word, I am so now totally posting

The internet!!! so like totally love it! sorry if I haven't been posting lately. I went on vacation with my Aunt, uncle, mom, and, dad. I saw Liberty. deafination for Liberty: 1. the statue of Liberty, given to the United States of America by France in who-know-which year. 2. Liberty Yang, came to Tae Kwon Do in summer 2003 (also when I started), stayed for a year or so, and left for france in 2004-ish, when she was a red or brown belt or so. Today I was waked up by my dad at 8:00am-ish. during the summer I usally wake up at 12:00, noon. whateve. It's been fun and we had to leave the rented house today. But during the week there were two cute guys I wanted to talk to. didn't though.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hiya Everyone!!!!!!!

okay, so sorry I haven't been post lately. What, there's nothing to post! Well now I have something. me and my parents and my Aunt and uncle(i have lots of Aunts and uncles), are going towards the Atlantic, the west of France, and towards the hot, and cute guys that a waits me. And also, where we are staying at the west of france is three-foruths of a mile away from the beach, so I haven't been running lately, so I'm gonna run a lot. Today however we cannot make it in one day, so we are staying at one of my Uncle's house in Sainte Pazanne. I kinda know where it is, however if you wanna know, enter the name in An online dictionary, to see where it is. We are going to St.Jean de Monts. I really advise you to look that town(er..something) up. Even I think I need to. I THINK!!! On Monday, Teusday, and Wedsnesday, I had to stay with my grand parents, because, my parents went to, Broadeux (..ahem..spelling is probally not correct...) for a funeral. I don't know who died. And I finished a book's pages. It was my journal, and no! I am not publishing it's pages! and I got a new one. I think this is like my longest blog ever. OVER AND OUT!!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

A man poking a big cat
weird cat

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Return of Lykachy(duh)

So a couple mintues ago(like 30mins), I came back from shopping with my Aunt. While I was shopping I saw 4 cute guys. I bought:

  • Coca-cola Vanilla
  • 2 notebooks
  • 1 address book

That's like all I can remeber. My (other) aunt told Me I need to cut down the time I spend on the internet. Like about 14 hours per day. so I'm only gonna do 3 hours a day. That should meet her reqirements.

I'm Living The Sweet Life. Wish You Could Live It Too.

This, like, happened yesterday

yesterday, I, lykachy, ran a mile. those who know me, would think that 'lykachy never runs a mile'. So then after that, I went bikeing. So then towards the half way point, I crashed into a guy. his age: 30-ish. So anyway with all the french I learned (and I only learned a little) I was lucky to get away, before he started speaking french again.

Friday, July 14, 2006

another new blog

that's right:

And I think Israel bombed Lebanon again

The tittle says it all. And Also Here we come, World War III

Did I mention

Oh yeah, did I mention that, a kid in my class, Alex K. e~mailed me about 13 time. Has he ever heard of de-caffeinated coffee? And has he ever heard the words " Lay off the sugar, kid" ?

Today Is the 14th of July

Today is the 14th of July. Which means it's a kinda holiday in France, Kinda like 4th of July. I can't wait till tonight. I heard there's gonna be fireworks.This is my first time being here on July 14. cause when I was here in France in 2003, I left before 14th of July. So anyway, back to my life, yesturnday, my mom, dad, and me slept over at my grandpa and grandma's house. And then today, i'm stuck at my aunt's house. Unless I could call people here, it is other wise boring. F.Y.I. -you're all sleeping at this time. It's 12:30 noon, over here. And so I'm typeing this in my older guy cousin's room, and so he comes in, still in his PJs and takes a pants and I think changes in the hallway. I am grateful that I didn't see that. I didn't .

Thursday, July 13, 2006

ZIDANE a new way to solve problems.. Part 2
And part 2
ZIDANE a new way to solve problems.. do it like zidane...
all I can say is... Idoits.
Zidane Sent Off in Disgrace
If he was gonna get a red card, he should have really hurt the Italy guy. Not kill him, no, Zidane would go to jail, no, hurt Italy just enough so that the guys is out of the season. I wanted the guy to have a ACL. It didn't happened. And Plus that Referee, Is the same one that gave Wanye Rooney of England a red card too. and how, you ask, do I know it the same ref.? cause of the ref. nose. It's FAT. I don't blame Zidane, no, I blame the Ref. You can bet, once I have a dart board, I'm gonna put a picture of the Ref. on it. I wanna kill the ref. To bad he lives in Argentina.

The Beirut Bombing

So I'm a little late but whatever. Israel bombed Beirut, Lebanon. Well if you read an article on this bombing story, Israel actully sent war planes over and then droped the bomb on Beirut Airport and some other place, I forgot, I mean I ofcourse just read the report 5 mins ago and forgot. Ha, ha, ha. And Here the USA was worried about North Korea's missles.

well, well, well

Today is July 13. wow. I've been here two months. and I wanna go back. It is absolutly boring over here. I need to go to the libary. They have a paino over there and I wanna ask them if I can play it. They also have books. Did you know that? It's kinda boring over here and I don't have anything to say so I'm gonna do this: Top ten things I want for my Birthday:
  1. A plane ticket to Minnesota
  2. NintendoDS
  3. NintendoDS game; Sims2
  4. NintendoDS game; Brain Age
  5. NintendoDS game; Nintendogs
  6. NintendoDS game; Big Brain Academy
  7. Over The Hedge Movie
  8. to meet all members of England national team
  9. money
  10. a guy friend

My life is pretty boring to be doing that.*sigh*

Oh and one more thing;

tomarrow is France's fourth of July.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Today, I am a slave. and geuss what I had to do?

I help my dad with tearing up the room. Cause my aunt is gonna put a floor in and wallpaper it. Out of all the people that I dislike, my Aunt is one of the people. hopefully I hope I only have to put up with it till the summer. And go back to the USA for the school year. I wish.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

pic of castle

my bad

I'm so sorry. I haven't been posting lately. So anyway, Yesterday, Monday my uncle and his girlfriend (of 3 years, but you didn't need to know that) took me and my family to see a castle. It's kinda cool. If you love art then you would of enjoyed it. PICTURES COMING SOON

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Parts of my life

Life is good ' drinking ' like a aldut. I'm totally kidding you know that.


You kill Me... AND I'll kill you!!!


I so totally deleted the new blog. the guys i liked one so you won't be able to see it. allez les bule!!!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

You won't belive this

I actually am typeing this at the libary. That's right. I'm at a libary. This however is an American Libary. Prasie the Lord. The American Libary in Paris. that's what it's named. word for word. I got my libary card on July 4th and I already lost it. really. really, really. So I don't know what I'm gonna do next.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Hey People

Did I mention that I got a new blog? That's right here's the address cheack it out.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Training My Ex-Girlfriend's Kitten
That guy is so horrible.
high school musical
We're all in this togeter
high school musical
My friends think that this song is so annoying. Wes sings it a lot. We don't like it when Sharpay does the tapping thing.
Get' Cha head in the game
HSM but of course
High School Musical--Breaking Free
I love this part of the movie

Excuse the sports video

Sorry. I was sending it to my other blog, the sports one.
High School Musical Part5
Stick to the static Qoute
Italia - Germania Italy-Germany 2-0
Forget the commentary it's in a diffrent langauge. This is about how Italy won their game.
Victory Celebration of France-Brazil Match
You see what I mean. This is the night when I went to my Aunt's aparment.

My bad

this blog is called Subject:Cute Guys. Hey, what else could i name it?

another new blog

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Foruth of July

Happy Fourth OF JUly my American Friends. I would be there to celibrate it with you guys but I belive that I am 10,000 miles away in France. France's kinda fourth of July is on July 14 -ish. I'm not sure. Make Sure To Take Pictures for me.

About Me

I'm kinda dumb (not a lot, but) in person but smart on paper. I'm evil.full of mischief.likes boys. doesn't like following school rules (most of the time). likes 4 guys from my school. Loves my puppy Tigger, most of the time.Likes boys.Loves going on the internet.Perfers to be left alone. love music

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