Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Fun And Weird Day

On Wendsedays, We get out of school around 12:20pm. Well this week, is week B (it's very confuseing trying to explain it to you, maybe some day.), so on Week B, I don't have 1st period on Wednesdays. So, when I walked to school around 9:10AM I saw Michael, Steven, and Matthew. And I went over and talked to them. a couple minutes later, Maroune and Elizibete, comes up and hang with us. about, a couple minutes after the gates opened, (me, Steven, Michael, Matthew, Maroune, and Elizibete were still out side the gates) Steven goes "Hey there's Roberto and Paulo"And sure enough, when I looked there was Roberto and Paulo. Appearently, they didn't have first period either. of course that does mean that all of us (Roberto, Paulo, Steven, Michael, Matthew, me) missed pre-school ping-pong. oh, by the way; I found out what Tunisie Guy's (see other posts for more on him) name's Ahmza. If you can pronouce that. hope you can. and get use to it because whenever I talk about him, I'm going to write Amza.(but for a little while, in perentases it will read Tunisie Guy). 2nd period; CLA.It's allright. morning ping-pong; oh, there were so many people at the ping-pong table, and some of them keep taking the ball and giving it back. once I didn't have any patientence left, I took Steven and Michael and went to just pass my ball to each other. And then once that got going, a kid named Winfred joined us. At first he asked me for my ball, but when he saw he couldn't get it, he just joined us. And then, a couple minutes later, Roberto, comes up and askes me for the ball, so that the ping-pong table can play(apparently the ball disappered). I said no and kept playing with Steven, Michael, and Winfred. and then, while we were playing, Roberto goes through, and steals the ball, and heads right towards the ping-pong table. I go and get my ball back, by hurting him (actully I jumped him)and making him hit the ball another way. I went to retrive it and then continued play with Michael, Steven,and Winfred.Once ping-pong got boring for Roberto, he came and joined us. after 5 (or so) minutes, Natchi and Paulo came and joined. and after them Ahmza. It got really wild with a lot of people. (there was also Abdokarim from my regular class and Yuksif who also played, annoy-ing-lly. To the others and me they were annoying.) And then, Matthew hit it over the fence, so we had to wait for a while, until a guy on the other side gave us our ball back. and then a couple minutes later, Winfred, hit it into a bush on the other side. so we couldn't play. I was in a very bad mood, when he hit it over, cause it was my ball. 3rd & 4th period; CLA. after that, school's finished.

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About Me

I'm kinda dumb (not a lot, but) in person but smart on paper. I'm evil.full of mischief.likes boys. doesn't like following school rules (most of the time). likes 4 guys from my school. Loves my puppy Tigger, most of the time.Likes boys.Loves going on the internet.Perfers to be left alone. love music